Don't be in a hurry to become parents due to these 4 wrong reasons: Becoming Parents Tips
News Update September 30, 2024 07:24 PM

Becoming Parents Tips: Becoming parents is a big responsibility. It is very important to deliberate before taking up this responsibility. Raising any child is not an easy task, hence the decision to have a child due to someone's pressure or for wrong reasons can prove to be the biggest mistake of life. In our society, couples are advised to become parents within a few days of marriage. Oaths are taken and even psychological pressure is also exerted. Irrespective of whether the couple is capable of taking up this big responsibility or not. Fulfilling this responsibility without thinking is not good for both the couple and the child. If you are thinking of becoming parents due to some such wrong reasons, then think again about your decision.

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desire to see grandchildren

Becoming Parents Tips
desire to see grandchildren

Within a few months of marriage, the in-laws started talking about showing the grandchildren to the daughter-in-law. Your parents or in-laws may put pressure on you to hand over your grandchildren to them. Ultimately this decision is yours but reaching this conclusion without thinking can sometimes take away both the love and comfort between couples. Even though the family members cooperate in raising the child, but if you are the parent, then you will have to take a big responsibility.

fear of society

In the society we live in, women are known for their work and motherhood. If a woman is unable to become a mother for many years after marriage, then the society starts calling her infertile. People or family members in the society spread this rumor that as a woman you will not be able to give birth to a child. The fear of such rumors may motivate couples to have a child soon after marriage. Even if you want a child now or not.

watching others

Think before becoming parentsThink before becoming parents
watching others

Many married couples have children due to social pressure. Generally, after marriage, most of the people around them keep asking about good news. If you want to have a child because others also have it. So think once about your decision. The child will be born under the supervision of others but in such a situation you will not be able to connect with the child emotionally. Both mother and father need to be mentally and emotionally prepared to have a child.

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want to be close

When fights or rifts start appearing between couples, people may advise them to have a child. So that the distance between the couple can be reduced. People believe that the child will help both of them to forget their worries and their relationship will become as sweet as before. But if this does not happen then child rearing can become burdensome and bad. Therefore, think carefully before taking such a decision.

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