Learn and teach how to live life your way
Rahul Tiwari October 01, 2024 12:21 PM

Life is like a dream, you never know when it will break. Dreams are also unknown, sometimes pleasant and sometimes scary. No one knows anything about dreams or about life like dreams. But every person is running in the race to realize dreams which has no end, the end is like a dream that comes in the middle and suddenly. If you think about it, life is nothing but a bubble of water. Day by day time is running fast like sand in our hands. No one knows when this life will end, but dreams and plans persist till old age.

run for money

Everyone is busy running, no one has time to run. The surprising thing is that if you ask anyone why so many people are running away, what do they do with their wealth? His answer would be, I am not doing anything for myself, I am doing it for the future of the children. When he was asked whether he ever spent time with the children for whom he was running day and night? So the answer would be where is the time. Very good! People do not have time for those who are running around so much, what could be a bigger problem in life than this. We are trapped in our own web and others are getting trapped in it. A race that has no end and when someone leaves his companion on the way while running, then a person is left with nothing but regrets. Money added, money no longer talks, hugs or consoles.

No time to listen to children, no time to listen to parents, no time to talk to spouse and we are running for all these and have no time for them.

When a person dies suddenly, his condition becomes like that of a person who is searching for water in the desert with a bag full of gold and silver and does not find water anywhere. Gold and silver are of no use to him. What was necessary was not retained and what was not useful was discarded.

60-70 years ago when racing was limited to Kulli, Gulli, Julli. Time was not so fast at that time. Everyone had time for themselves and spent time sitting together. All sources of food were cheap and pure. The vegetables, fruits were clean and the water was pure. There were neither any diseases nor any English medicines. The air was pure and so was the environment. There was life in the bodies and everyone was healthy. Addiction was not the only thing, if it was there then it was native, which did not destroy the body. Food and drink were available free and everyone had a hard-working body. What modernity has given to man is laziness, yes laziness. Physical labor will have to be reduced, hence bring new gadgets (machines). These machines made humans lazy and in turn polluted the environment, polluting water, air and environment. Do we gain or lose? A lazy person will remain ill. Along with this, there are many food items which are less beneficial and more harmful for the body. We have not progressed, we have put a noose around our necks, we have crippled ourselves by axing our own feet.

Now we lack unlimited money to provide modern facilities, these modern facilities are unlimited which has no end and to get them requires unlimited money which can never be completed. Everyone is running to get such unlimited wealth. This unlimited wealth which can never be exhausted. It is no longer a cycle of mill, mill and mill which used to be completed quickly; The present race is limitless which can never be completed, neither by us nor by our future generations because there is no end to modern conveniences and there will be no race.

whatever is gained is despised

Think about it, what did you have? what was your dream? Think about when you fulfilled your dream! Now you are happy. Don't be happy, because what was your dream then has no value, it has become insignificant now. Whatever we get is despised. This is human nature. All your dreams are now present with your children. But think how happy your children are, they got everything you dreamed of at the time of birth. Your children are not happy and can never be happy because the dream you had is nothing to them now that they have everything you have worked so hard for and are proud to have achieved. But it is not normal for them because they did not work hard for it. Their dreams are even further and they too will now join the next race in the Unlimited Race.

If you have made your life hell thinking that by accumulating wealth you are buying the happiness of future generations, then you are wrong. They cannot be happy because these piles will fall short for them. They will either get involved in the endless race to increase it or they will become lazy with the money received and drown in the ocean of addiction.

In this limitless and never ending race, which no one knows when it will end, start spending your whole life by spending time with yourself. Help your children to become a good person. Get them ready to celebrate wins and losses. Learn and teach how to live this mixed life in your own way. There is no need to become a puppet in anyone's hands, we all are puppets of some power and our door is in the hands of that superpower and no one knows when our game will end. It is important to learn to live today, because what is there today, no one has ever seen tomorrow. ,

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