Know how you can burn 500 calories daily, these weight loss exercises can help…
Sandy Verma October 01, 2024 07:24 PM

New Delhi:- Losing weight is a big challenge for most of us. A daily 30-minute walk or Tai Chi class does not make much difference to weight. Weight loss often depends on metabolism, people's body weight, eating habits and physical activities. Diet is an important factor for weight loss. No matter what kind of diet a person follows, he should burn more calories than he consumes every day to lose weight.

Start by reducing about 500 calories a day from your diet to lose about one pound a week. Some activities or exercises can help you burn about 500 calories per hour. Such as.


Most dance forms focus on the core muscles, especially the back. Faster forms of dance, such as jive and salsa, work the legs and arms. So, dancing is important for fitness.

Belly dancing- Doing this for an hour with vigorous movements can burn about 450 to 500 calories per hour. Moreover, it tones the stomach. Belly dance is very fun.


Energetic dance can help tone muscles, stretch joints and burn about 500 calories in an hour-long session.

the rumba

This is a great option for stretching. It works on building flexibility and muscle strength and helps you burn about 450 to 550 calories per hour.

aerobic dance

Be it high-impact or low-impact, one hour of aerobic dance helps burn about 510 to 530 calories in an hour. High impact aerobics is intense with a lot of jumping and moving and may not be for people who have low bone mass, joint pain or osteoporosis.

external works

Physical exertion is a great way to lose weight. People can burn at least 500 calories an hour; try doing physical tasks like digging, shoveling snow or mowing the lawn.


This is the best exercise for the whole body without putting pressure on the muscles. One hour of leisurely swimming burns approximately 370 calories. If people swim vigorously, they can burn about 450 to 500 calories in an hour.

punching bag

You can burn 500 calories by punching a punching bag for 70 minutes. Along with this, you can relieve your anger by punching the punching bag. It will also help in improving your mood.


There are many machines in the gym that can help in weight loss. Even by lifting weights you can burn 445 calories in an hour. Along with this, 600 to 700 calories can be burnt in an hour by jumping rope.

the game

If you do not like to sweat in the gym then you can try Achcha. Like you can play volleyball, basketball or football. It can easily burn 480 to 500 calories in an hour.


Riding for an hour a day strengthens thigh and calf muscles and helps heart health. Depending on weight and intensity, one hour of cycling can burn more than 500 calories.


If nothing else, running can help you lose weight. A 140-pound person burns about 13 calories per minute, which, if he runs fast and consistently, adds up to an astonishing 792 calories per hour.
HIIT or High-Intensity Interval Training
It is a form of exercise that alternates between rest and intense activities. HIIT helps increase calorie burning by 25 to 30 percent.

Be sure to consult a doctor before starting any vigorous exercise. Many of the activities mentioned above. May not be suitable for people with arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain or spine problems. Start small and do it consistently! This is more important. It is equally important to give rest to the body after exercise.

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