Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On October 4, 2024 — Venus Trines Saturn
News Update October 03, 2024 11:24 PM

Your daily horoscope is here with an astrology forecast for each zodiac sign starting Friday, October 4, 2024. Today, the Moon leaves Libra to enter Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio is in a powerful aspect with Saturn in Pisces.

There is a significant possibility that a creative partnership can elevate both of you to the next level. Simultaneously, you may develop a new appreciation for seeing art and beauty in all things. Let’s find out what else your daily astrology forecast will reveal for your zodiac sign this Friday.

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Your zodiac sign’s daily horoscope for Friday, October 4, 2024.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)


If you’ve been feeling heavy recently, now is a great time to move your body or tap into your senses to release pent-up energy. This is also an excellent opportunity to reevaluate your values, allowing you to make empowered choices that align with who you truly are. Your instincts are likely to be incredibly sharp today, so trust what comes up.

Consider incorporating embodiment practices such as breathwork to help you find balance and enhance your focus. Reflect on any heaviness you’ve been feeling lately. What physical movements or sensory activities can assist you in releasing this energy?

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Taurus (April 20 – May 20)


If you’ve been coasting through a creative lull, this timeframe can inspire fresh new insights to explore. It’s almost as if all the desires you may have put aside in favor of practical matters are rising to the surface to remind you of what you truly want.

Clear out your diary and see what your intuition pulls you toward; this could lead to unexpected and auspicious meetings. What fresh insights are calling to you right now?

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Gemini (May 21 – June 20)


This is not a time to focus on immediate gains but rather to find beauty in the cultivation of your dreams. It’s natural to expect instant growth, but with unwavering faith, you can discover intangible rewards in the process, such as learning the art of patience. Moreover, when you see your efforts pay off, you’ll reflect on how much internal growth you’ve experienced along your journey toward success.

What lessons are you learning about patience as you work toward your goals? Reflect on a recent experience where you recognized your growth, even if it didn’t yield immediate results.

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Cancer (June 21 – July 22)


This is the perfect opportunity to launch a new project, as you’ll find little resistance in putting it out into the world for others to appreciate. Your energy may be infectious, mysterious, and magnetizing, which can attract refreshing connections into your sphere.

What new project or idea feels ripe for launching today? How does your current energy inspire you to share it with the world?

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Leo (July 23 – August 22)


When we solely rely on positive feedback from others, it can prevent us from truly pursuing what we desire. If we only follow what people expect from us, we might alter our thoughts and beliefs to fit their perceptions, shutting down our authentic selves in the process.

This energy may remind you to follow your heart unapologetically, regardless of how big or small your desires may appear to the outside world. How can you commit to following your heart without being swayed by outside opinions?

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Virgo (August 23 – September 22)


Today, your mind may be more mentally stimulated than usual. You might find yourself able to focus and multitask across several priorities simultaneously. With the energy to efficiently cut through important tasks, you can tick off items from your list with greater ease.

Overall, your productivity is boosted, which can help you advance your goals to the next level. What priorities do you want to focus on, and how can you maximize your productivity? Reflect on the tasks you feel passionate about completing and how this will support your long-term goals.

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Libra (September 23 – October 22)


Today, you can overcome the fear of vulnerability by viewing your emotions as your greatest strength. This perspective can help you embrace all parts of your personality and unlock a new level of confidence.

You may feel inclined to revisit emotions from the past, which could open some of your deepest wounds regarding relationships of all kinds. This is a good time to clear away emotional karmic patterns that may be triggering self-sabotaging behaviors in your connections.

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Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)


If there are thoughts or feelings you’ve been keeping to yourself, you may feel an urge to share your deepest inclinations during this phase. These heartfelt experiences can foster a solid foundation of transparency within your connections.

When you’re honest about how you feel, you allow others to connect with the authentic parts of yourself and provide you with the support you need. How might sharing these emotions create a stronger foundation of transparency in your relationships?

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Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)


This is a great time to confront your fears head-on and understand how they were formed, which can help you see yourself with renewed clarity.

When you unpack your fears, you may realize how they have unconsciously held you back from pursuing your truest desires. What fears are you ready to confront today? Take some time to understand their origins. How have these fears hindered you from following your true desires?

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Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)


Today, you may feel bolder in expressing your individuality within your relationships. This is an ideal time to confidently show people the depths of who you are without feeling the need to hide.

You may have profound realizations regarding what you need to feel safe and secure in your partnerships. How can you express your individuality more boldly within your relationships? What realizations about safety and security have emerged for you lately?

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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)


The power of your faith can help you move confidently toward building your vision. In fact, you may feel more connected to your personal mission. Even if you’re not exactly sure what your mission looks like, you may sense an inner recognition of what it feels like.

Your intuition will guide you in making decisions that resonate with your path while fostering hope that you can achieve the impossible. Even if you’re uncertain about your mission, how does it feel to trust your intuition?

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Pisces (February 19 – March 20)


Today, your heart may feel expansive and open to experiencing an incredible amount of unconditional love for everything in your orbit. This is a wonderful time to explore your relationships with the upmost compassion and empathy as this is where true transformation can take place.

This timeframe may serve as a significant catalyst for healing wounds from the past, creating more space for love and connection to flow through.

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Sade Jackson is a psychological astrologerwriter and energy healer. She writes about Jungian lore, creativity, feminine mysticism and astrology on Substack.

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