One kiss and straight into the mouth of death! A small mistake can take the life of this 25-year-old woman
Newscrab Desk October 04, 2024 05:20 PM

Have you ever thought that a normal kiss which we consider a symbol of love can prove fatal for someone? If not, then today we are going to tell you about such a case which may surprise you.

Have you ever thought that a normal kiss which we consider a symbol of love can prove to be fatal for someone? If not, then today we are going to tell you about a case which can surprise you. Something happened to 25-year-old Caroline Kray Quinn, who lives in Boston, America, that her life changed completely. Caroline is suffering from a rare disease called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). This disease occurs in only one out of 1.50 lakh people.

MCAS is a disease in which the body's blood cells react abnormally to certain triggers in food, smells and the environment. In Caroline's case, the disease is so severe that she can only eat two things - oats and a special nutritional formula. If she tries to eat anything else, she can have a life-threatening allergic reaction.

Even kissing someone who has eaten things that are allergens for them can be dangerous for them. Because of this, their love life has also become quite complicated. Caroline recently shared her dating experiences in a Tik Tok video, which has been viewed more than 17 lakh times so far. She told that her partner has to follow some strict rules before kissing her.

What does Caroline do to kiss me?

Caroline said in the video that whoever wants to kiss me should not eat anything three hours before and my 6 main allergens (peanuts, nuts, sesame, mustard, seafood or kiwi) should not be eaten at all 24 hours before. Caroline said that her boyfriend Ryan follows these rules completely and eats the same food that Caroline eats while staying with them.

Caroline's disease was first

detected in 2017 when she had a severe allergic reaction due to cross-contamination with nuts, which later made her allergic to other foods as well. Although this disease complicates her life, Caroline has not limited herself to it. She says that I cannot stop enjoying life because of my fear. Even a minor mistake can prove fatal for people suffering from MCAS, but people like Caroline prove the determination to live life even with this disease.

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