3 Zodiac Signs Find True Love On October 7, 2024
News Update October 07, 2024 04:24 AM

October 7 awaits us with open arms and a day where three zodiac signs can find true love full of romance. Astrology brings us the Waxing Crescent Moon in Sagittarius, which suggests that whatever happens comes with love, joy, and the promise of more where that came from. It’s only the beginning, as this specific transit implies.

October 7 will see three zodiac signs fall in love with the right person … finally. We may already think that we’ve got the right person, or possibly that ‘the right person’ doesn’t exist, so why bother trying to find them? Ah, that’s where the table flips.

Three zodiac signs will find true love, and with the help of the Waxing Crescent Moon in Sagittarius, we will not only believe that true love is possible, but we will experience it firsthand as our reality — nice going, zodiac signs … and good luck in all you do.

Three zodiac signs find true love on October 7, 2024:

1. Cancer

Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

If you think falling in love and ending up with someone you could call your true love is impossible, think again, Cancer. Sunday provides the perfect atmosphere for miracles, and if love is a miracle you never thought possible, welcome to October 7, where you are being favored.

During the Waxing Crescent Moon in Sagittarius, the idea of potential is what it’s all about. Rather than predict tragedy or disappointment, you will take a different tact, which may be the key to finding true love. It is possible, and if it’s ever going to happen, this is the day.

You have enough experience to know that you can’t afford to have your heart broken again, but still, how else will you find your true love if you don’t at least take the gamble? During the Waxing Crescent Moon in Sagittarius, you feel brave and willing, and your risky behavior will bring you great success and joy.

: 8 Dates In October 2024 That Bring Significant Change To Each Zodiac Sign’s Life

2. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs find true love october 7, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Lucky you, Virgo, as the dream of finding your true love comes true, but there’s a catch: you have to believe that it’s your destiny to come true for you. So, all it takes for you to realize this dream is to know that it really and truly is your fate.

During the Waxing Crescent Moon in Sagittarius, it’s quite possible to realize one’s destiny, and if you happen to be someone who has looked for the right person to love and cherish all of your life, those wishes are being tested.

So, prepare for true love, Virgo, and don’t doubt it or push it aside when it arrives. There’s someone in your life right now who will flip your expectations out, and if you give them the benefit of the doubt, you will find out that they have the potential for great love in your life.

: What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect From Their Weekly Horoscope From October 7 – 13

3. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs find true love october 7, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

The ironic part about the Waxing Crescent Moon in Sagittarius is that you will find your true love, and true love is something you’ve given up on finding. That’s where the universe has the last laugh; you’ll be laughing in this case.

This is not only a good day; it teaches you that you never really know what will happen, even if you believe to your core that you do. There’s always that element of chance, and if you happen to be there when chance smiles down upon you, then bingo, Sagittarius, the world is your oyster.

You will not only find your true love, but you’ll see that this might have happened a long time ago had you not shut it all down with negativity. There is no such thing on Sunday, however, as you will be open, ready, and down for great love and future happiness with this one person.

: The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From October 7 – 13, 2024


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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