UKPNP leader draws attention to the appalling circumstances faced by Kashmiris in the area occupied by Pakistan
Nidhi Tiwari October 07, 2024 06:27 PM

In Brussels, the United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP) Belgium held a ceremony to honor the passing of Naila Khaneen, the party’s former senior vice chair. Participants emphasized the terrible circumstances that the people of Jammu and Kashmir—which is under Pakistani occupation—faced throughout the event.

Speaking about Naila Khaneen’s important role in fortifying the UKPNP, Jamil Maqsood, President of the UKPNP Foreign Affairs Committee, underscored the pressing necessity to bring attention to the predicament of the Kashmiri people in the area.

“Tribal incursions orchestrated by Pakistani military and political leaders acting on behalf of British colonial forces in the subcontinent caused the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir to be forcibly divided,” he said. This is our narrative, which we expand upon in our workshops and lectures. We tell this tale again because there is a new generation coming up, and if we don’t keep telling it, they won’t remember who they are or what happened in the past.”

“We stand against injustice and hate,” Maqsood said. The money allotted for infrastructure, college growth, and education that was supposed to go toward our portion has been stolen. While those of us who live overseas are under pressure to provide gifts for development, our contributions are often mishandled. This suggests that there is corruption with our money.”

He emphasized how crucial it is to speak out while living in a nation that grants freedom of speech.

“What good is it to address these problems here if we can’t resolve them elsewhere? We should keep raising our voice since forums such as the European Parliament, the UN Human Rights Council, and international NGOs have made it possible for us to express our concerns.”

Prominent UKPNP leader Jamil Maqsood is well-known for his outspoken opposition to the injustices that the people of PoJK and Gilgit Baltistan endure. Maqsood is crucial in bringing attention to the region’s political persecution and abuses of human rights. He highlights the continuing hardships of the people of Kashmir and the historical background of their divide via his lectures and involvement in international forums. In an attempt to make sure that Kashmiris’ views are heard on international forums, Maqsood concentrates his efforts on dispelling myths that conceal the reality that confronts them in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.


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