Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From October 14 – 20, 2024
News Update October 11, 2024 04:24 PM

The luckiest day of the week for each zodiac sign the week of October 14 brings together a collection of positive energies thanks to harmonious transits between Venus in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn along with retrograde Neptune in Pisces. The inspired Libra Sun and retrograde Jupiter in Gemini allow you to develop a deeper understanding of the power you possess over your destiny so that you can achieve all you’ve ever desired. 

In many ways, the positive energy from these transits creates a wave of understanding, courage, and wisdom that allows you to step out from any shadows as the Full Warrior Moon in Aries peaks on Thursday, October 17. While this is not an eclipse, it is still tied to the eclipse cycle because of the North Node in Aries, so you are being urged to speak with authority and conviction as you do whatever is necessary to put yourself in alignment with the universe. 

On the same day, Venus will shift into Sagittarius, bringing a more philosophical and meaningful approach to this journey of destiny. You will feel encouraged to be more authentic and bolder as it will feel impossible to live one more day in a life you know is not meant for you — yet there is also the emerging awareness that the journey matters too. In this case, you understand that whatever lies in the path between you and your dreams isn’t necessarily an obstacle but instead meant to help you. 

Luck arrives when you are no longer afraid of stepping into your power, opening your mind, and trusting that you hold your destiny in the palm of your hand.

Luckiest day for each zodiac sign the week of October 14 – 20, 2024:


Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Luckiest day of the week for Aries: Thursday, October 17

This is a week of empowerment and owning every bit of your authentic nature, Aries. The Full Moon in Aries will rise on Thursday, October 17 in your house of self, making this time feel like a rebirth of sorts. 

You have been through a great deal this year, and while you’ve been diligent in working through whatever arose and remaining committed to your dreams, you deserve to have a moment to finally get back to being yourself. Any lingering doubts, fears, or feelings of unworthiness will disappear with the Full Warrior Moon in your fire sign, making this a powerful moment to take action, remember who you are, and take whatever strides toward making a dream come true. 

Let yourself realize just how much you’ve grown, shed those old feelings that you no longer need, and smile because you can manifest anything you wish.

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taurus luckiest day horoscopes zodiac sign october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Luckiest day of the week for Taurus: Thursday, October 17

If you are still trying to hang onto your old life, Taurus, this week may finally deliver the release that you’ve needed. On Thursday, October 17, Venus in Libra will form a lucky aspect with Pluto in Capricorn, drawing a connection between your happiness and a life that supports you being your best self. You may feel drawn to reevaluate certain routines or your career as you feel called to focus more on your whole self rather than just doing what has felt the safest in the past. 

This energy focuses on new beginnings and may also be about finally learning the lessons Pluto has been trying to bring to your life. You can’t continue upholding certain obligations or ideals if they aren’t a part of your authentic truth, so choose to lean into what is best for you. Your happiness matters, and by being open to change, you won’t only feel better, but your life will become better as well.

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gemini luckiest day horoscopes zodiac sign october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Luckiest day of the week for Gemini: Wednesday, October 16

While you have been busy focusing on your career this year, Gemini, you also have been cultivating more space to actually enjoy your life. You feel called to make sure what you do holds greater meaning, not just for yourself, but the collective as a whole. Because of this, you’ve begun to look at matters of work or your professional path with a more creative lens.

As Venus in Libra aligns with retrograde Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, October 16, you will receive an offer or confirmation that you are on the right path. While this will help you finally feel seen for your unique talents, it will also open up a new avenue to embrace your creativity and sense of joy. Just because work may be seen as mundane doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it, and in your case, it feels you have finally found your purpose.

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cancer luckiest day horoscopes zodiac sign october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Luckiest day of the week for Cancer: Thursday, October 17

The universe has been guiding your path toward success, Cancer, and though you may have stumbled at times, you are about to receive the rewards for all your past efforts. Since the North Node, ruler of your fate, shifted into Aries in 2023, you’ve been focused on your professional success. This has also required you to embrace themes of self-growth. 

Instead of solely having your relationship, family, or personal matters be what defines you, you’ve begun asking yourself what you want from life. Now, as the Full Moon in Aries rises in your career sector, you are reaching a powerful moment of recognition and achievement for all you’ve invested in manifesting your success. With this connected to the eclipse cycle, you may experience some fated moments. Although this won’t officially conclude until the Aries Solar Eclipse in March 2025, the lunation this week should bring in some well-deserved success.

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leo luckiest day horoscopes zodiac sign october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Luckiest day of the week for Leo: Thursday, October 17

There is no point in living a life solely for others to approve of when you are meant for so much more, dear Leo. You have always felt that you’re not like anyone else, and that is true as you were born into this lifetime with a unique purpose. Through everything you’ve experienced, you have been on a quest to identify your authentic self so that you can possess the confidence necessary to manifest what resonates with your soul. 

As the Full Moon in Aries peaks on Thursday, October 17 this is your chance to embrace all that you have learned and set off on a new adventure. Whether this literally involves travel, or instead is the adventure of learning through educational or spiritual pursuits, you are meant to embrace a new part of your life during this time. 

Cast off any previous worries about what others think or the pressure to be anyone other than who you truly are. This is your divine chance to embrace your authentic self and take a chance on everything you’ve ever wanted for yourself — and your life.

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virgo luckiest day horoscopes zodiac sign october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Luckiest day of the week for Virgo: Monday, October 14

While you may not be able to control every facet of your life, Virgo, you are seeing that how you show up in your professional life significantly impacts what you can achieve. You’ve been trying to manage both professional and romantic growth this year, and while you have had to learn to approach each area of your life differently, you are now beginning to experience that positive turnaround that you have been working so hard to achieve. 

On Monday, October 14, the Libra Sun will align with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini bringing rewards, abundance, and luck to themes involving your career and finances. Whether this comes as a divine new idea or an unexpected bonus, you will receive confirmation of the time and energy that you have been investing in this area of your life. 

Make sure that you take time to celebrate, especially with a partner if you are in a relationship, but also let yourself feel as if you accomplished something great rather than just focusing on the next task.

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libra luckiest day horoscopes zodiac sign october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Luckiest day of the week for Libra: Thursday, October 17

As you are being called to reflect on what you want for your future, Libra, you also are being invited to begin exploring your truth. This is all part of the universe’s divine plan as it wants to ensure that any decisions you make are genuinely connected to your growth and not any previous wounds. To seize the opportunities meant for you and allow your life to change in the most incredible ways, you need to be certain of your truth. 

Once Venus shifts into Sagittarius on Thursday, October 17, you will be more focused on this sacred understanding. Sagittarius is a sign that holds space for multiple truths while also being open to learning through new experiences. In this case, you are being urged to explore your truth and dive deeper into understanding without judgment of yourself or any blocks that fear might create. 

When you can make the radical decision to accept your truth, it no longer matters if others will. That is the moment you become free to live the life meant for you.

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scorpio luckiest day horoscopes zodiac sign october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Luckiest day of the week for Scorpio: Thursday, October 17

Lucky Theme: Wealth Is Everywhere You Look

Finances may have felt more challenging recently than you would like or have become used to, but all of that is about to change, dear Scorpio. On Thursday, October 17, Venus, the planet of love, finances, and real estate, will shift into Sagittarius, highlighting all matters of wealth, self-worth, and value. 

Venus in Sagittarius will not only bring in unexpected financial gifts like a bonus or raise, but it also allows you to embrace more opportunities for wealth. This can also benefit your romantic life as you can better understand what you are worthy of receiving in a relationship. 

To make the most of this abundant and lucky phase, make sure that you are speaking highly to yourself. This means knowing what you are worth and understanding your value and the value of those in your life so that this era of wealth isn’t only helping your bottom line, but your entire life.

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sagittarius luckiest day horoscopes zodiac sign october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Luckiest day. of the week for Sagittarius: Thursday, October 17

You excel in attracting positive new connections into your life, Sagittarius, but right now, they could also help you manifest your destiny. Venus in Libra will align with Pluto in Capricorn on Thursday, October 17, helping you grow your financial wealth through collaboration or networking with a particular person. This may be someone you know or will soon meet, and the possibility also exists to go into business together as part of this energy. 

While you have always enjoyed your ability to meet those who seem to greatly benefit your life or help teach you something new, in this moment, you are being shown that the way forward is one you’re meant to take by yourself. Explore your connections, be willing to make new ones, and consider updating your LinkedIn as you prepare to work more closely with others in accomplishing your dreams. 

With Pluto moving through Capricorn for the last time in your lifetime, this also represents the completion of a karmic cycle — and whenever that occurs, you know that abundance awaits on the other side.

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capricorn luckiest day horoscopes zodiac sign october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Luckiest day of the week for Capricorn: Monday, October 14

You may feel rather exhausted by the recent pace of your life, Capricorn, but that doesn’t mean everything isn’t happening in your favor. A great deal of recent opportunities and shifts have involved your career sector. Whether it manifested as starting a new job, continuing to develop your own business, or finding time for other important facets of your life, matters of work have dominated much of your energy.

As the Libra Sun aligns with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini on Monday, October 14, you will receive sudden insight into how to alleviate recent stresses and have a healthier and more well-balanced perspective of work. You may need to change your routine when it comes to work or consciously create more downtime. Remain open to opportunities that arise and prioritize yourself, along with what is most important to you in your life, and you will make significant progress in finally learning that while work is a part of who you are, it does not define you.

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aquarius luckiest day horoscopes zodiac sign october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Luckiest day of the week for Aquarius: Thursday, October 17

There is nothing wrong with letting yourself speak boldly, dear Aquarius, and in this case, it will help you finally achieve all that you have been working to achieve. The Full Moon in Aries will rise on Thursday, October 17 in your house of understanding and communication. The energy of the Full Moon here means that you will be able to articulate your truth more authentically and feel confident in making any new agreements. 

During this time, make sure you allow yourself to take up space in your life. Be unapologetic in your boundaries, and most of all, believe in yourself when it comes to your dreams. The Full Warrior Moon will require that you rise to any challenges and not hold back for the sake of timing or the feelings of others. This will allow you to seize a new opportunity or transform your life in a way that better represents the person you’ve become. 

You’ve worked too hard for this moment to water your truth down. It’s time to fight for it.

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pisces luckiest day horoscopes zodiac sign october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Luckiest day of the week for Pisces: Thursday, October 17

It’s been hard waiting for the moment your hard work paid off, dear Pisces, but as a new week approaches, you begin seeing positive developments finally show up in your life. Once Venus shifts into Sagittarius on Thursday, October 17, not only will the professional success and recognition start rolling in, but you will also receive a significant payout or bonus. 

While you’ve been working towards success, you wanted it to be in something you genuinely love and feel connected to — which is precisely what Venus in Sagittarius will deliver. Use this time to remain committed to your path without feeling defeated or distracted by new endeavors. You deserve all the success and wealth coming into your life. Keep showing up as you have and trust that the rewards in store for you will make it all worthwhile.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.

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