As soon as Navratri ends, preparations for Diwali intensify in every house. First of all clean the house. Dyeing and painting is done at home itself. New home decoration items are brought. New sofa covers, bedsheets, curtains and more are brought in. So that the look of the house looks new. But only when the house looks new, you should take out the old and useless garbage from the house. For this, cleaning must be done.
clean carefully
While cleaning the house, take special care of your hair, hands, face and eyes. Because dust getting into the eyes during cleaning can cause harm. Oil should also be applied to the hair. Cream should also be applied properly on the skin. After cleaning, clean the nails thoroughly. If possible, tie a scarf on your head. Don't think that the house will be cleaned in a single day. Plan for at least 3-4 days. Clean one corner of the house and then the other.
remove useless items
Use cotton clothes for cleaning
Use cotton clothes for cleaning the house. Before starting cleaning, keep things like brush, cloth, detergent, sponge, baking powder, vinegar with you. After this, first of all remove curtains, cushions, carpets from the house. Then clean the dust and dirt from the house.
clean it like this