BPSC 70th CCE Exam Cancelled: Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has canceled the BPSC 70th CCE exam of Patna Centre. The commission will conduct the exam again for those students who were allotted the exam center at Bapu Pariksha Bhavan in Patna. This information was given by BPSC Chairman Parmar Ravi Manubhai himself. He said, "We examined the CCTV footage and found that some miscreants tried to create a ruckus at that one center, which caused trouble to some other students. Keeping this in mind, we will conduct the exam again for the students of that one center." BPSC candidates have staged a mass sit-in protest at Gardanibagh in Patna today, 20 December, in protest against the re-examination of the 70th CSE. Candidates say that if the question paper of the exam is difficult, it will be unfair to those 15,000 students who could not take the exam.
The BPSC chairman said that since the number of applicants in that center is high, it will take time to prepare for the re-examination. He said, "A lot of logistics have to be taken into consideration, like location, accommodation, paper setting, security and more. So we are planning to conduct the exam again in the second or third week of January."
He also said that those found involved in this crime would be barred by the commission from appearing in any future exams. The chairman said, "So far 30-40 such people have been identified and the police are engaged in identifying more people.
The BPSC 70th CCE Exam 2024 was conducted by the Bihar Public Service Commission on December 13. The exam was held at 912 examination centers in Bihar. This exam is conducted for the recruitment of Group A and B officers in various state government departments. This year 2,035 vacancies will be filled.
Assistant Engineer Exam held on December 18
The commission issued a press release stating that the BPSC Assistant Engineer (Civil/Mechanical) Competitive Examination was conducted in three shifts on December 18 at 24 examination centers in the Patna district. A total of 23562 candidates had applied online for the examination, out of which about 40 percent of candidates have appeared in the examination, which is more than the previous examination.
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