BPSC 70th CCE Re-Exam 2024: The suspense over the 70th exam of BPSC is over, it will be held again on January 4..
Shikha Saxena December 26, 2024 02:15 PM

BPSC 70th CCE Re-Exam 2024: Bihar Public Service Commission's 70th Integrated Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination (CCE) 2024 will not be canceled. This information has been given by the Chairman of the Commission, Parmar Ravi Manu Bhai. He has said that instead of conducting the entire examination, only the examination held at the Bapu Campus Exam Center on 13 December is being canceled. The examination of about 12000 candidates who took the exam at this center will be held again on 4 January 2024 at a different center in Patna itself.

There was a lot of ruckus during the examination on 12 December at the Bapu Campus Exam Center in Patna. The candidates protested alleging irregularities in the examination. During this, the DM of Patna also slapped a candidate. An officer on duty at this center also died tragically due to a heart attack.

Admit card for re-examination.

The Bihar Public Service Commission has said that the admit card will be issued again for the candidates who appeared for the examination on December 13 at the Bapu Examination Complex Center. It can be downloaded from the commission's website https://www.bpsc.bih.nic.in/ from December 27, 2025. The commission has said that the examination will be conducted at some other center in Patna itself.

Show cause notice to 34 candidates.

Bihar Public Service Commission Chairman Parmar said that there is no question of canceling the entire examination held on December 13. The disruption at the Bapu Examination Complex was part of a conspiracy by a group of candidates. Due to this, it has been decided to conduct the examination again for this single center. The commission has issued a show cause notice to 34 candidates allegedly involved in the disruption. They have to respond to the notice by December 26. In case of failure to do so, BPSC will make a decision based on the available evidence. The chairman assured them that their reply would be reviewed before taking appropriate action.

Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from News 18 hindi. While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation, the original content belongs to its respective authors and website. We do not claim ownership of the content.

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