On December 28, 2024, three zodiac signs have the opportunity to start a new life chapter when the Moon conjuncts Mercury, a cosmic event that helps us understand what we’ve got right now — and what we need to do to improve it.
Saturday brings purpose and direction. Three zodiac signs are in particular need of purpose, as we are very good at what we do, but we don’t necessarily know if what we’re doing right now is what we need. While there’s a hunger within us to give ourselves a label, we’re starting to figure out what that label might be.
The timing on this is incredible, too. The end of the year looms large, and we think of it as a pressure-filled experience. First, don’t worry about the end of the year. Our true purpose will be definedand we’ll get a serious hint at what it is like when the Moon is conjunct with Mercury. What’s important is to go with it and not see time as a restraint.
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First, finding your true purpose doesn’t come as a revelation but more along the lines of something that finally ‘gels’ in your mind as ‘the real deal.’ It’s during the transit of Moon conjunct Mercury that all you’ve done up to now makes total sense.
You’ve known your true purpose forever, but you’ve never dared to pursue that dream, and yet, here we are. It’s about to become a new year, and you want results, Gemini. Fortunately, the results are what you will get during the Moon conjunct with Mercury.
This day may not be about action and activity but will be geared towards thought and strategy. What Moon conjunct Mercury brings you is clarity of mind, knowing that you will be making those dreams come true next year. Finally! Huzzah!
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Because the transit of Moon conjunct Mercury is associated with clarity, meaning and communication, you’ll see that this transit works in your life to clear up some of the cobwebs that have cluttered your mind over this past year.
You’ll understand something about yourself, something meaningful and purposeful. While you’re not one to put yourself down, there are times when you’ve wondered what your purpose is or if there’s even a need for a purpose.
It’s on this day that you’ll feel quite purposeful, and whatever it is that you end up doing at this time, it will bring fresh inspiration your way, which will open up the doors to new ways of thinking and the knowledge that, as far as purpose goes the sky is the limit, Libra.
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You have no idea what your purpose in life is, nor do you care to name it. You feel that you’ve got many purposes, and during the transit, Moon conjunct Mercury, you’ll want to communicate this idea to others. Your truest purpose is to deliver the message of freedom.
You are not tied to a purpose, but in a way, the irony here is that this is your purpose: to be the living example of liberated thought. You don’t lock into any particular way of being because you like to give yourself the option of changing just in case.
Moon conjunct Mercury supports this kind of open attitude. You’ll feel very happy and not in the least concerned over labeling yourself any particular way. Like it or not, Sagittarius, your purpose is to be free, which sounds fantastic.
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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.