BPSC Exam Update: Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has made its stand clear regarding the 70th Combined Preliminary Examination. On this, the commission said that the examination would not be canceled. Examination Controller Rajesh Kumar Singh said that the demand for cancellation of the examination is from a few selected people, whose allegations are baseless and fabricated.
Commission's stand on agitation and allegations
People agitating about the examination are making allegations without any concrete evidence. The commission has taken a tough stand on this and said that the allegations lack truth and are being considered baseless. The commission is receiving a large number of emails in favor of not canceling the examination. A large section of students and candidates is supporting the smooth conduct of the examination.
BPSC main examination will be held in April
After the release of the results of the BPSC 70th preliminary examination, the main examination will be conducted in April. The commission has urged all the candidates to focus on the preparation of the main examination. Examination Controller Rajesh Kumar Singh has advised the candidates to avoid rumors and stay away from any kind of controversy. He said that the Commission is committed to examining with complete transparency and fairness.
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