A small mistake by you while driving can put you in trouble, but many people do not understand this. Many people drink and drive and forget that driving under the influence can be dangerous for themselves and the people on the road. To crack down on those who commit such mistakes, there is a section in the Motor Vehicle Act under which challan is issued to those who drive cars, scooters and bikes while intoxicated.
This is a serious crime, because it endangers not only the life of the driver but also the life of other people. If the police catches a person while driving under the influence of alcohol, then under which section of the Motor Vehicle Act does it issue a challan and how much amount does it issue? Let us know.
If a person is caught during police checking while driving under the influence, then a traffic challan is issued to such person under Section 185 of the Motor Vehicle Act. You must have got the answer to this question under which section the police issues challan, now let us tell you how much challan does the police issue?
If a person commits a mistake for the first time, the police directly issues a court challan to such a person. If a person repeats such a mistake, a court challan will be issued to that person every time. The court decides how much punishment or fine the accused will have to pay. Apart from this, if you keep making such mistakes, your driving license can also be canceled permanently.
If you have drunk alcohol, avoid driving.
Travel by cab.