Hyderabad: Ahead of New Year celebrations, the Excise Police seized liquor worth Rs 3 lakh in two separate cases, cracking down on non-duty paid liquor smuggling in Hyderabad, Telangana, according to a press release from the Excise Police on Saturday.
Official Statement
According to an Excise police official, "Acting on credible information that some individuals were smuggling liquor from Goa to Secunderabad on the Vasco-da-Gama train, Excise police from Vikarabad conducted a raid and seized 95 liquor bottles, totalling approximately 82.38 litres, worth around Rs two lakhs."
"In another case, Excise police seized 18 liquor bottles from accused Faisal Adil, who was attempting to distribute Chennai-sourced liquor to customers for the New Year celebrations in Shaikpet. Investigation revealed that Faisal and his accomplice were sourcing liquor at low rates from a supplier named Satish in Chennai through online orders. The seized liquor is valued at Rs one lakh, and a case has been registered," the Excise police official added.
Further investigation is underway.
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