New Delhi: The Cyber Crime Wing of Tamil Nadu Police has issued a warning regarding a new type of cyber scam 'Jumped Deposit'. This scam is especially targeting mobile banking and UPI users. But let us know what is this jumped deposit scam.
In this fraud, the criminals first transfer a large amount, like Rs 5,000, to your account. After this an SMS is sent to you, in which it is claimed that the money has been transferred by mistake. Additionally, a link to check the balance is also provided. At the same time, people often click on that link out of curiosity, which redirects directly to the UPI app. As soon as the user enters his PIN, the criminals immediately transfer a large amount of money, such as Rs 50,000, to his account as a reverse transaction.
In this scam, neither any call comes on your phone, nor any software is installed nor any hacking is done. In this, criminals commit this fraud only by using the reverse transaction feature of UPI. Let us tell you that if you enter the PIN on the UPI app, then the criminals immediately transfer money from your account. This entire process takes only a few minutes.
Tamil Nadu Cyber Crime Wing has given some important tips to avoid such frauds: 1. Do not click on any unknown SMS or link. 2.If the UPI app opens by mistake, enter the wrong PIN intentionally. This will cancel the transaction. 3.If in any doubt, contact your bank immediately. 4. After receiving such messages, do not use UPI for at least 30 minutes, because the time for reverse request expires during this time.
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