Thiruvananthapuram: An Army officer was attacked by a mob in Kerala's Thrikkakkara on December 23. The incident took place during an NCC training camp at KMM College of Arts and Science. The video of the incident surfaced on December 23. Tension erupted after more than 80 cadets reportedly showed symptoms of suspected food poisoning, reported India Today.
As per the media report, the mob was allegedly led by CPI(M)/ Students' Federation of India (SFI) District Head Bhagya Laxmi and BJP Local Councillor Pramod. The crowd reportedly stormed into the NCC camp, disrupted regular operations of the camp and assaulted the Army officer.
Video Of The Incident:
In the video that went viral, two men could be seen attacking the officer. However, he maintained composure and did not hit them back.
Meanwhile, the State Health Department collected food, water, and stool samples from the camp to analyse the cause of cadets falling ill. Camp Commandant Lt Col Karnail Singh expressed disappointment as no arrests have been made in the case despite registering the FIR at Thrikkakkara Police Station.
"Despite clear evidence, including a medical report and video footage, no action has been taken to nab the attackers. This inaction raises serious concerns about the safety of NCC cadets and officers," he said as reported by India Today.
The police reportedly asked camp officials to provide details of the alleged assailants.