WhatsApp has added some new and interesting updates to its list of features. The upcoming features, especially for Group Chats and Cross-App Messaging, promise to further improve the user experience.
In this article, we will discuss these new features of WhatsApp in detail and know how they can change your chatting experience.
Feature of number of online members in group chats
WhatsApp has added a new feature to make group chats more interactive, which is being called “Online Counter”. This feature will give users information below the group name about how many members are online at that time.
Features of this feature:
Real-time online information: You no longer need to open individual chats to find out who is online. This number will appear directly below the name of the group chat.
Privacy Considerations: If a user turns off “Online Status Visibility” in their privacy settings, this feature will not count those users.
Ease: This feature will make group chats more intuitive and effective, especially in cases when you want to contact a member immediately.
Where is this feature available?
This feature is currently rolled out for beta users. While sharing its screenshot, WABetaInfo said that it has been seen in WhatsApp Beta for Android
Will soon be available to all users
After the completion of beta testing, this feature will be made available to all global users in the stable version of WhatsApp.
New feature of cross-app messaging
WhatsApp is also soon bringing the feature of Cross-App Messaging, which will allow users to easily share content from WhatsApp to other apps.
Features of this feature:
Direct sharing on Facebook and Instagram: In this feature, a dedicated button will be provided to share content on Facebook and Instagram.
More Option: Through this, it will be possible to share content on apps other than Meta as well.
Convenience and interconnectivity: This feature will better integrate Meta's apps, making it easier for WhatsApp users to work on multiple platforms.
Testing continues in beta version
WABetaInfo has spotted this feature in WhatsApp Beta for Android After beta testing, this feature will be released to everyone in the stable version.
Why are the new features special?
Improving user experience:
These new features of WhatsApp, especially “Online Counter” and “Cross-App Messaging,” will make the chatting experience more intuitive and convenient.
Improvements in group chats:
The online counter feature of group chats, especially in larger groups, will help you know how many members are active. This will make communication more effective.
Convenience on multiple platforms:
The cross-app messaging feature will give users the option to easily share content across meta platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
Suggestions to further improve the features
Additional information in online counter:
If this feature also shows which members are online, it can be more useful.
Integration of other platforms in cross-app messaging:
Apart from Meta, WhatsApp should also provide the option of direct sharing on other popular platforms like Twitter or Snapchat.
Focus on privacy and security
Along with these features of WhatsApp, it is also important to pay full attention to privacy and security.
Online Status Option:
Users should get the option with whom they want to share their online status.
End-to-End Encryption:
End-to-end encryption should also be used for cross-app messaging features, so that users' data remains completely safe.
Future of new features of WhatsApp
These new updates of WhatsApp will definitely improve the experience of the users. Features like “Online Counter” and “Cross-App Messaging” may become more advanced and useful in the future.
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