The new year is about to start and in such a situation people send greetings to each other on WhatsApp. But it becomes very difficult to send messages to each person in personal chat. Given this problem, the messaging platform WhatsApp has launched a new broadcast feature (WhatsApp Broadcast), in which you can send messages to many people simultaneously, and that too in personal chat. So let's know how you can send Happy New Year 2025 messages using this feature in the new year...
The broadcast message feature is completely different from the WhatsApp group. In WhatsApp, all members can see each other's messages, whereas when a message is sent through the broadcast list, everyone gets it in the personal chat and they do not even know that the message has been sent using the broadcast list feature. To send a message through broadcast, you have to first create a broadcast list and then you will get the option to send the message.
Create a broadcast list like this.
1. First of all open WhatsApp on your phone.
2. Now you will get the option of New Broadcast after tapping on the three dots on the top right of the screen in an Android phone.
3. Select the New Broadcast option from the menu on an Android phone and tap on it.
4. Now select all the contacts whom you want to include in your broadcast list and want to send the message. You can select contacts by scrolling in your contact list or by typing the name in the search bar. You can select 256 contacts in this list.
5. Once you have selected all the contacts, tap on the green tick mark appearing on the screen on the phone. This will create a group of contacts. Now your broadcast list is created.
Write the message and send it like this.
1. You will start seeing the broadcast list on the home page of WhatsApp. After tapping on it, the broadcast list will open. Now you can type the message and send it.
2. It will look like a normal chat window to you. Write your Happy New Year message. You can add emojis, GIFs, stickers, and photos along with the text.
3. After writing the message, finally tap on the send button. Your message will go to all the contacts in the broadcast list in a personal chat.
Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from Amar Ujala. While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation, the original content belongs to its respective authors and website. We do not claim ownership of the content.