Former cricket players and current Team India head coach Gautam Gambhir participated in the festivities as 2025 rolled around, sending out New Year’s greetings to supporters worldwide. India greeted 2025 with festivities across, with residents in several cities celebrating the milestone with pleasure and fervor. Numerous communities kicked off their New Year’s festivities with themed décor, live music performances, parties, and cultural activities.
Former cricket players Yuvraj Singh, Irfan Pathan, and Ravi Shastri joined Gambhir in expressing their well wishes.
“It’s a new year with new goals and the same unstoppable spirit,” Yuvraj Singh wrote on X.
“New year, new goals, same unstoppable spirit all my love and wishes for everyone to have the most amazing 2025,” Yuvraj Singh posted to X.
Gautam Gambhir, the head coach of India, wishes everyone a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year.
Gambhir wrote, “Wishing health, happiness and prosperity to all,” on X.
Irfan Pathan, a former cricket player, wishes everyone a healthy and exciting new year.
“Happy New Year to all of you. Irfan Pathan posted on X, “Have a fantastic year filled with new excitement and excellent health.”
Ravi Shastri, the head coach of India and a former cricket player, too wished everyone a happy New Year.
Ravi Shastri posted, “Happy New Year,” on X.
India greeted 2025 with festivities across, with residents in several cities celebrating the milestone with pleasure and fervor. Numerous communities kicked off their New Year’s festivities with themed décor, live music performances, parties, and cultural activities.