Last year, actress Taapsee Pannu and her longtime partner, badminton star Mathias Boe, tied the knot. The pair successfully kept their wedding under wraps and out of the prying eyes of the media by having a low-key ceremony. Additionally, the pair never released formal wedding ceremony photos. Mathias posted a photo of himself and Taapsee signing their marriage license and formally registered their union on the last day of 024.
The player-turned-coach posted a monochrome image of Taapsee and Mathias signing their wedding photo, writing, “2024 is coming to an end.” One of the most exciting years of my life, it was a very remarkable year for me. My family grew, and my girlfriend turned into my wife. I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year filled with love from friends and family.
The pair married on March 23, 2024, in Udaipur. The exclusive event was only open to a restricted group of friends and family. A few celebrities, including Anurag Kashyap, Pavail Gulati, and Kanika Dhillon, were present at the wedding.
According to Taapsee Pannu, their little wedding ceremony in Udaipur in March served as a kind of official declaration of their union since nobody else knew. She said that she and Mathias Boe were married in December 2023. Her first wedding anniversary is almost here, she said. Taapsee said that they had only signed the documents in December. “No one would have known if I hadn’t mentioned it today,” Taapsee added.
The Love Story of Taapsee and Mathias
It has been stated that Taapsee and Mathias first crossed paths when she attended one of his games a number of years ago. Originally from Denmark, Matthias is now an Indian badminton coach. In 1998, he made his debut abroad. In addition to winning the silver medal at the 2012 London Olympics and the 2013 World Championship, he became the top-ranked player in the world in doubles. According to reports, Taapsee and Mathias began dating around the time of her 2013 Bollywood debut. In 2020, after retiring, he became a coach.
Taapsee discussed her connection with Mathias in a recent interview with Cosmopolitan India. “For me at least, it wasn’t like a love-at-first-sight situation—I took the time to test if it’s really practical…the feasibility of the relationship was important for me,” she added. We continued to meet, and I came to adore him since I clearly liked and respected him. Therefore, falling in love wasn’t something that happened overnight or in a month. However, I often state in interviews about him that I felt like I had met a man when I first met him.
“I had dated a lot of boys before him, and all of a sudden, I met a guy who didn’t feel like anyone I’d dated before,” she said. I was struck by the sudden sensation of maturity and stability, which made me think, “Okay, you’ve finally found the man.”