To pay tribute to veteran filmmaker Shyam Benegal, his cult classic film Manthan will be premiered on Doordarshan. This film was released in the year 1976. The film will be shown in 4K version on 1st January i.e. today at 8 pm. Apart from Doordarshan, the film will also be shown on Zee Classic, Zee Cinema HD and &Pictures HD. This film is one of the few selected films of Shyam Benegal, which has always been praised. This is the reason why this film has been chosen to pay tribute to him.
The 4K version of Manthan has been preserved with great care by the Film Heritage Foundation. Its restoration was also shown in the Cannes Classic section last year. Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited (Amul) helped in this. Its farmers had given funds to make Manthan years ago. Film Heritage Foundation has confirmed the TV screening of the film through a post.
To pay tribute to the late Shyam Benegal, Doordarshan will begin the new year with a screening of “Manthan” (1976) restored by FHF with support from the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (Amul) on Jan 1, 2025 at 8 pm on Doordarshan.
— Film Heritage Foundation (@FHF_Official) December 31, 2024
The film 'Manthan' based on the dairy revolution in India was named 'Churning' in English. Manthan is the story of a veterinarian, played by Girish Karnad, who helps rural farmers form a cooperative to fight oppressive systems. The plot of the film was based on the White Revolution that took place in the country, through which India emerged as a global leader in milk production.
This #InternationalYearofCooperativesrevisit Manthan and join us in celebrating the iconic film produced by the farmers of worlds largest dairy cooperative. Directed by Shyam Benegal, its a timeless tribute to the true spirit of cooperation.#ManthanMovie
— (@Amul_Coop) January 1, 2025
The most special thing is that Manthan was created by Shyam Benegal by crowd funding from 50 thousand farmers of Gujarat. A help of two rupees was taken from every farmer and then this film was made. It is also said to be the first crowd funding film of this country.
Shyam Benegal died on 23 December last year. He was 90 years old. His contribution to parallel cinema can hardly be forgotten. Shyam Benegal was known for his thoughtful and social films. He made his debut in the film Ankur in 1974. Later he won everyone's hearts with films like Manthan and Bhumika.