Maha Kumbh mela is organised once in every 12 years and 2025 is going to be that year when the event will take place in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Starting from January 13, the fair is going to last till February 26. The event this year is coinciding with two auspicious coincidences. According to a report by Moneycontrol, renowned astrologer Chakrapani Bhatt of Kashi has said that two extraordinary coincidences will enhance the spiritual significance of Maha Kumbh. Ravi Yog begins at 7:15am and continues until 10:38am on the opening day. This astrological alignment is considered highly favourable for spiritual practices. Another event would be that Maha Kumbh aligns with Paush Purnima, a day revered for bathing and charity.Also, listed below are the important bathing dates of Maha Kumbh 2025.