Golden Star Ganesh, who is basking in the massive success of his latest musical hit Krishnam Panaya Sakhi, which ran for at least 106 days in theaters, is all set to return with yet another intriguing and out-of-the-box big-budget film titled Pinaka!Made under the People Media Factory banner, marking its 49th production venture, Ganesh will return in a never-before-seen avatar in Pinaka.
Pinaka, Lord Shiva’s Celestial BowThe title teaser released by the film team offers a sneak peek into the unique world of Pinaka and what the audience can expect.Titled after Lord Shiva’s celestial bow, Pinaka, the film carries great mythological significance.According to Hindu mythology, Pinaka symbolises Lord Shiva’s power, creativity, and divine authority, aligning with his roles as the creator, protector, and destroyer.Furthermore, mythology states that Lord Vishwakarma created Pinaka for Lord Shiva, who used it to destroy the three cities of Mayasura, also known as Tripura, to defeat Tarakaksha, Vidyunmali, and Kamalaksha. Additionally, Lord Shiva is said to have used a snake as the bowstring, and this is the same celestial bow that Lord Rama broke in half to win Sita’s hand in marriage. Pinaka with a modern touch Pinaka is scheduled to go on the floors in February, with the makers striving to deliver a unique experience to the audience. The story is deeply rooted in local culture and traditions while incorporating a modern touch.Directed by B Dhananjaya, the film has been in development for almost two years.Golden Star Ganesh's Krishnam Pranaya Sakhi, directed by Srinivas Raju, enjoyed a successful run of over 100 days in theaters before making its debut on an OTT platform.The romantic comedy also starred Malvika Nair and Sharanya Shetty, alongside Sadhu Kokila, Rangayana Raghu, Shruthi, Srinivasa Murthy and others.The film minted more than Rs. 30 crores at the box office, making it one of the most successful Kannada films of 2024.The renowned People Media Factory, which is producing Pinaka, recently announced its collaboration with another Kannada star, Srii Murali, who is also basking in the success of Bagheera.