Pet Nutritious Soup : Nutritious and warming food is beneficial for dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs in winter. If you include soup in their food, it will change their taste and will also provide them nutrition.
Correct amount: Limit the amount of soup. Giving more than required can cause stomach upset. ॐ Temperature of the soup: The soup should be lukewarm, not very hot.
Selection of material- Do not add things like onion, garlic, grapes and chocolate in it.
Consult a doctor before giving soup to your pet if it has any allergies or health problems.
Give the pet only homemade soup. Make sure it does not contain spices or excess sodium. Canned soups and soup powder mixtures can be harmful for them.
Ingredients Carrot- 1/2 cup, peas- 1/4 cup, sweet potato and pumpkin- 1/4-1/4 cup, water 2 cups.
Method Cut the vegetables into small pieces. Cook them in water on low flame until they become soft. After cooking, cool it and grind it or mash it lightly. Cool to room temperature and then give to the pet.
Keep in mind- do not add onion, garlic, salt and spices. These can be toxic to dogs.
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