46 senior IAS officers were transferred in Uttar Pradesh on Thursday night. The most important thing was that Chief Secretary Sanjay Prasad, who was trusted by CM Yogi, was once again given the responsibility of the Home Department. Whereas till now IAS Deepak Kumar, who was handling the responsibility of Home Department, was relieved from the charge of Additional Chief Secretary Home, Visa Passport, Vigilance Department, Uttar Pradesh Government, and given the additional charge of the post of Principal Secretary, Basic Education Department, Uttar Pradesh Government.
l. Venkateshwarlu has been given the post of Principal Secretary, Social Welfare and Sainik Welfare Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Tribal Development Uttar Pradesh, Managing Director UP CIDCO, Director Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Research and Training Institute and Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Research and Training Institute, Uttar Pradesh along with his present post. Additional charge of Rs.
BL Meena was relieved from the charge of Principal Secretary Home Guard. He will remain Principal Secretary Horticulture Silk Food Processing. Rajesh Kumar Singh-I has been made the Principal Secretary Home Guard. Relieving Alok Kumar Second from the influence of Principal Secretary, Hand-loom and Textile Industry, Khadi and Village Industries, Public Enterprises, Technical Education, Vocational Education, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh and Director General Public Enterprises, Uttar Pradesh, Principal Secretary, Infrastructure and Industrial Additional charge of the post of Development Department, Uttar Pradesh Government was given.
IAS Narendra Bhushan was relieved from the influence of Principal Secretary, Panchayati Raj Department, Uttar Pradesh Government and given the charge of the post of Principal Secretary, Enlightened Education Department, Uttar Pradesh Government. Veena Kumari Meena, Principal Secretary, AYUSH Department, was freed from the influence of Uttar Pradesh Government. IAS Sanjay Prasad was given the additional charge of the post of Principal Secretary Home Security, Visa Passport, Vigilance Department of Uttar Pradesh Government along with his current post.
IAS Anil Garg was relieved from the division of State Nodal Officer Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana. He will remain Principal Secretary, Irrigation and Water Resources, Land Development, Prison Administration and Correctional Service, Uttar Pradesh Government, Chairman, Pack State Nodal Officer, Prime Minister, Agricultural Irrigation Scheme and Managing Director, Uttar Pradesh Land Reforms Corporation.