The controversy over the police post being built in front of Jama Masjid in Sambhal, Uttar Pradesh is not stopping. Earlier, Hyderabad MP Owaisi had created a sensation by claiming to build this police post on Waqf land. After this, a delegation also handed over the related documents to the DM. When the matter was investigated, the entire matter was found to be fake. Now DM and SP have said that a case will be registered against those who indulge in such rigging.
Along with this, the DM said that till now no person has claimed the land of the police post. After this controversy, DM Dr. Rajendra Pansia and SP Krishna Kumar Bishnoi held a joint press conference on Wednesday. In this, both the officers said that during the investigation, major fraud in Waqf properties has been revealed. The documents handed over to the administration are also fake. The entire city has been declared Waqf property on a stamp of just Rs 50.
This has been revealed in the report of the committee formed to examine the records related to Waqf claims. It has been told that the property has been illegally dedicated as Waqf for a Madrasa. According to this unregistered Waqf name, the entire Sambhal city is situated on the Waqf property. This includes everything from Jama Masjid to Vishnu Temple and all government offices. During the press conference, the DM said that there is no dispute over the land of Satyavrat Police Post being built in front of Jama Masjid.
He told that a delegation had met him a few days ago. This delegation had handed him some documents. In these documents, an area of about four kilometers from village Bichhauli to Sherkhan Sarai was claimed to be Waqf property. It was said that a person named Abdul Samad had made Waqf of this property in 1929. He told that the waqfnama is unregistered. Not only this, the person making Waqf has not even disclosed the ownership of this property. In such a situation, this Waqf is illegal. Rather, under the guise of Waqf, revenue has been embezzled by illegal buying and selling of property worth crores.