The birth anniversary of Shri Sonal Maa (Sonal Beej) was celebrated all over Gujarat on Wednesday. On this occasion, a program was organized in Khambhaliya of Devbhoomi Dwarka. On the occasion of the 101st birth anniversary celebrations of Sonal Ma, Santvani program was organized in which artists sang bhajans and a large number of people sang bhajans. Not only this, money was also showered during this period. Such an atmosphere was created as if money was raining on the actors. Its videos are also going viral on social media.
Mother of Gadhvi Charona first incarnated in Madha of Junagadh on Paush Sud Beej date of Shri Sonal Samvat 1980. In Gujarat, Paush Sood Beeja is known as 'Sonal Seed' because this seed is popular in date. Shri Sonal Ma did many works for public awareness in her life. He campaigned for de-addiction and inspired people to live a celibate life. He appealed to the people not to fall into superstition and confusion. He worked to eliminate many evils prevalent in the society.
Shri Sonal Ma launched a campaign to unite the Charan community. He traveled from village to village and made people aware about education. Hostels were started for bard students. Shri Sonal Maa's journey of public welfare spans 18 generations. Mother Sonal, who was born 100 years ago and who took the society towards girl education and educated the society in just 51 years of life, is present in Mardha village. The temple of Maa Sonal Shri located in Mardha village of Junagadh is the center of people's faith and unwavering faith.
Saurashtra of Gujarat has been called the land of saints. Saurashtra has many saints like Jalaram Bapa, Narsingh Mehta, Seth Shagalshah, Bapa Sitaram, Apagiga Nagbai. All these saints are worshiped like living gods during their lifetime. Not only this, after leaving his body till today every section of the society gives him full respect. Shri Sonal Ma is also included among such saints. He is in Mardha village, 30 kilometers away from Junagadh in Saurashtra. This place is called Shaktipeeth of Kairos. Local people claim that he had performed many miracles during his lifetime.