Reigniting speculation and discussions, NCP (SP) chief Sharad Pawar and disgruntled NCP leader Chhagan Bhujbal shared a stage in Pune on Friday to mark the birth anniversary of legendary educationist and social reformer Savitribai Phule. After the ceremony, Bhujbal and Pawar traveled together in the same car, with Bhujbal even touching Pawar’s feet in respect. The two leaders then spent considerable time discussing matters at the residence of former MLA Ram Kandge.
This marks the second meeting between Pawar and Bhujbal since the split in the NCP.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Bhujbal appeared together at an event in Naygaon, Satara district. During his speech, Bhujbal praised the previous Mahayuti government, saying, “It was a long-standing dream to have statues of Mahatma Jyotirao Phule and Savitribai Phule at the entrance of the Secretariat, and within a few months, this dream was fulfilled by them (Shinde-Fadnavis).”
When asked about any political discussions during the ride, the CM clarified that no such discussions took place.