Whether the films are released in South India or Bollywood, everyone's eyes are fixed on the earnings of the films in theatres. For a long time now, the noise of superstar Salman Khan's 'Sikandar' has been heard in Bollywood. At the same time, a lot of enthusiasm is being seen in the South about Ram Charan's game changer. It is a different matter that Game Changer is going to be released on January 10 and there is still time for the release of Salman's 'Sikander'. Recently, the teaser of 'Sikander' was released, which broke the records of many big films by getting crores of views within 24 hours. Now the trailer of Ram Charan's Game Changer has left the record of 'Sikander' far behind.
Eagerly awaited for Salman Khan's 'Sikander'. There is still time for the trailer of the film, but the makers have released the teaser of 'Sikander' on the occasion of Salman's birthday. The 1 minute 42 second teaser was loved so much by the audience that it was watched by 5 crore people within 24 hours. The teaser of 'Sikander' started trending number 1 on YouTube. But yesterday the trailer of Ram Charan's Game Changer was released and within 24 hours it broke the record of views of 'Sikander'.
South film game changer has been in the headlines for a long time. In such a situation, when the trailer of the film was released, people rushed to watch it. The trailer of Game Changer created history and achieved 180 million views i.e. 18 crore views within 24 hours. The trailer of the film is getting immense love from the audience. Social media users are continuously commenting and expressing their excitement for Ram Charan's film. One user wrote, game changer is fire.
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Ram Charan will be seen in a double role in Game Changer. Fans have a lot of expectations from this film. In one of his characters, he is playing the role of an IAS officer and his other character is that of a leader. After RRR, Ram Charan is returning to the big screen after 3 years. The huge budget of his film also remains a part of the limelight.