Police have detained three accused in the murder case of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar in Bijapur, Chhattisgarh. Ritesh Chandrakar, brother of the main accused is also included in these. All the accused are being interrogated. Here, Yukesh Chandrakar, brother of deceased journalist Mukesh, has demanded the Supreme Court to take suo motu cognizance of the matter. He has demanded that before or on the day of the cremation of his brother's body, all the culprits should be given death sentence.
Mukesh Chandrakar's brother Yukesh Chandrakar is also a journalist by profession. It was he who informed the police about Mukesh's disappearance. On his complaint, the police have registered a case against several people including road contractor Suresh Chandrakar and his brother Ritesh Chandrakar. Police detained Ritesh and two other accused from Delhi. Yukesh has uploaded the photo of Ritesh taken into police custody on Social Side X and has demanded a press conference in Delhi.
Yukesh Chandrakar made four posts one after the other on the social media platform on January 3. In his first post, giving information about the disappearance of his brother journalist Mukesh Chandrakar, he wrote, 'my brother mukesh chandrakar one Missing since the evening of January. It is a solemn request to all journalists, organizations, common people and governments to find my brother and return him to me. He had made the same request again in another post on the same day. In which he had tagged many journalists including CMO Chhattisgarh, Deputy CM Vijay Sharma.
my brother mukesh chandrakar @MukeshChandrak9 Missing since the evening of 1 January. It is a solemn request to all the journalists, organizations, common people, governments to find my brother and return him to me. please @gyanendrat1 @thakurpraphull @drbrajeshrajput @ChhattisgarhCMO @vijaysharmacg @ranutiwari_17 @ashubh
— Yukesh Chandrakar (@youareYukesh) January 3, 2025
Yukesh wrote in his third post on January 3, 'What is the importance of the last wish in every religion? Full respect for this question is a true tribute to my brother. In his fourth post, while uploading the photo of accused Ritesh, he has mentioned his last wish. In which it is written 'I want a press conference in Delhi, in which national and international media are present, live. Let this be considered the last wish of my brother and me.
I want a press conference in Delhi. In which national and international media are present, live.
This should be considered as the last wish of my brother and me.@PCITweets @gyanendrat1 @VistaarNews @ashubh @ranutiwari_17 @drbrajeshrajput @PMOIndia @ChhattisgarhCMO @vijaysharmacg
pic.twitter.com/SUdcMJas7p— Yukesh Chandrakar (@youareYukesh) January 3, 2025
In his post today, while uploading the photo of Mukesh Chandrakar's dead body, Yukesh has written to the Supreme Court, 'The Honorable Supreme Court should take suo motu cognizance of the murder of my brother Shri Mukesh Chandrakar and try to ensure that before the last rites or All the culprits should be given death sentence on the day of the funeral!
People knew Bijapur journalist Mukesh Chandrakar for his courageous journalism. He used to do sharp journalism on everything from Naxalites to corruption, bribery and local problems. Due to his journalism, a CRPF jawan was saved from Naxalites in 2023. He himself had rescued the young man from the Naxalites. Mukesh Chandrakar suddenly disappeared on January 1, 2025. Family members and police searched for him. On January 3, his body was recovered from the septic tank located at the farm house of the accused contractor.