India were hit by a huge blow as Jasprit Bumrah left the field during the second session of the ongoing fifth Test match. A few minutes after he walked off the field, Bumrah left the Sydney Cricket Ground with Team India's medical staff to go for scans. Bumrah is leading India in the ongoing fixture and his absence meant that someone had to take up the leadership role.The Indian team management ignored KL Rahul and picked Virat Kohli for the top job. Virat, former all-format captain of Team India, finished his captaincy career as India's most successful Test captain. He led India to 40 wins from 68 matches.Under him, India created history by becoming the first Asian team to win a Test series in Australia. India only lost 2 home games under him. He left the Test captaincy a day after the series defeat against South Africa in January 2022.Rohit replaced Virat as full-time Test captain while Rahul became his deputy. Rahul led the Test team in Rohit's absence but his struggles with the bat saw him getting sacked a year later. He has been out of the leadership role since then.Why Rohit Sharma is not playing in Sydney?Rohit Sharma stood down from the Sydney game due to his batting struggles. "The chat I had with the coach and the selector was very simple - runs weren't coming from my bat, form isn't there and this is an important match so we need players in form. Collectively, the batters are not in form so you can't carry many out-of-form players in the team," Rohit told Star Sports."This simple aspect was running through my mind. That's why I felt I should tell this to the coach and selector... that I am thinking this way. They backed my decision. They said you've been playing for so many years, you know what to do and what not to do. For me it was a difficult decision, but it was also a sensible decision. I didn't want to think too far ahead. The only thought was right now at this point what does the team need."