New Delhi: Ather Energy has launched the 2025 version of its popular electric scooter, the 450X, with several updates and a price increase. The 2.9 kWh variant is now priced at Rs 1.47 lakh, while the 3.7 kWh version costs Rs 1.57 lakh, which is an increase of Rs 6,400 and Rs 2,000, respectively (both ex-showroom prices). These scooters can also be fitted with an optional Pro pack, which costs Rs 17,000 for the 2.9 kWh version and Rs 20,000 for the 3.7 kWh variant.The updates include new features, the most notable being three traction control modes: Rain, Road, and Rally. These modes offer different levels of intervention to suit various riding conditions. For those who prefer full control, the traction control can also be completely turned off.Ravneet S Phokela, Chief Business Officer, Ather Energy said, “The Ather 450 has been designed with performance at its core. Over the years we have been focusing on improving performance of the 450 product lineup even further through continuous improvements in both software and hardware. Now, with the 2025 Ather 450, we are safe with the scooters with features like multi-mode traction control which is typically found in high end motorcycles. This feature allows the rider to adapt to different road conditions with better control and stability. We are also introducing MagicTwistTM on the 450X after introducing it on the 450 Apex and the Rizta. We expect that these latest updates will offer a much improved riding experience to scooter enthusiasts across the country”. The 450X now comes with Ather's Magic Twist regenerative braking system, borrowed from the 450 Apex. This system is so effective that it can eliminate the need for conventional brakes in most situations. On the hardware side, the scooter gets new Zapper N e-Tred tyres developed with MRF. These tyres are said to improve the scooter’s real-world range by about 25%, thanks to lower rolling resistance. The true range of the 2.9 kWh version has increased from 85 km to 105 km, and the 3.7 kWh version can now cover 130 km, 25 km more than before.Those who opt for the Pro pack will get the new AtherStack 6 software, which includes features like Google Maps, Alexa pairing, WhatsApp notifications on the dashboard, Ping My Scooter, and live location sharing. Additionally, the 2.9 kWh variant comes with the Ather Duo 700W home charger, which can charge the scooter’s battery from 0 to 80% in three hours.