A surprising case has come to light from Noida, Uttar Pradesh, where two girls became friends on social media. After this both of them started talking on call. Then decided to live together. She came from her village and started living in Mamura village of Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Both work in a private company. Now the girls have taken an oath to get married. They say that they have made each other husband and wife.
Both the girls became friends on Instagram about one to one and a half years ago. One girl is from Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh and the other is from Saharanpur. When their friendship turned into love, they left their village to live together and started living together in Noida on the pretext of working. Although both also work in a private company. After this, when the girls' family members came to know about their love and getting married, they opposed the marriage. He asked both of them to leave their jobs and come home, but they did not agree.
After this, the girl's brother, resident of Jabalpur, started coming to Noida to pick her up, then both the girls got worried and reached the police station. He told the police about himself and asked Sir to get us married. The police tried their best to convince both the girls, but both remained adamant on their point. Then the police informed the families of both of them and asked them to convince the girls.
Along with this, the police also assured the girls about their safety. When the girls' family members came to pick them up, both of them flatly refused to go with them. She said that if she went with her family, both of them would be separated, whereas she wanted to marry each other. Many such cases have come to light earlier also. When a girl falls in love with a girl and a boy falls in love with a boy and they want to marry you.