Nand Kishore Gujar, a BJP MLA from Loni, accused the administration of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath of rampant corruption and cow slaughter. Gujar told reporters on Saturday that the state was slaughtering 50,000 cows per day. Accusing authorities of embezzling money intended for cow care, he described the situation as “loot everywhere.”
Nand Kishore Gujar accused Chief Secretary Durga Shankar Mishra of mismanagement and demanded Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath step in. He bemoaned the disregard for MPs’ cries and questioned if Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath was behind the action.
“Every day, 50,000 cows are killed by our government.” The funds intended for cow welfare are being eroded by these police. This implies that loot is present everywhere. According to the news agency PTI, the lawmaker said that the chief minister must be consulted on the issue.
Gujar emphasized the necessity for tough measures against dishonest authorities, citing a recent video that showed two constables extorting money in Loni. Although he cautioned that delay may result in numerous candidates losing their deposits, he anticipated that successful efforts could gain the BJP 375 seats in the next assembly elections.
Akhilesh Yadav, the head of the Samajwadi Party, posted a video of Gujar’s comments on X, denouncing internal BJP conflicts. “While cops take advantage of the turmoil, the public suffers. Because everyone seeks to monopolize the advantages, corruption is the root of this conflict, according to Akhilesh Yadav.
The accusations come after Ashish Patel, the minister of technical education, said that the Uttar Pradesh Police’s Special Task Force (STF) had threatened him. Pallavi Patel, a Sirathu Samajwadi Party MLA, charged Patel of corruption in the selection of the Technical Education Department’s department heads.
The charges were rejected by Ashish Patel, who called them a “larger conspiracy” and said he would not step down until Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave him the order.