If you have the problem of gas or bloated stomach, then you can understand that even a small mistake in eating habits can increase this problem. Not only outside food, but even home-cooked food can cause gas and bloating. Many vegetables available especially in winter are beneficial for health, but in case of problem of gas formation in the stomach, it is better to consume them in limited quantity. Here are some major vegetables which people with gas problems should eat carefully, especially in dinner.
Green peas are a popular vegetable in winter, but if you have problems with gas or bloating, eat it in limited quantities. Eating pea curry or parathas can cause gas and swelling in the stomach.
Cauliflower is also one of the favorite vegetables in winter. But it contains high amounts of fructose, which can increase gas and bloating. People suffering from gas, constipation, or bloating problems should eat it in small quantities.
Although the taste of colocasia vegetable is excellent, it is rich in fiber, which takes time to digest. Eating colocasia may not be appropriate for people suffering from gas problems, because it can keep the stomach bloated.
Cabbage vegetable is also tasty, but its fructose and fiber content can increase the problem of gas. If you have gas problem, eat it in limited quantity only.
Intake of green leafy vegetables increases in winter, but these can be heavy for the stomach to digest. If you want to eat greens, use asafoetida, cumin, turmeric, and ginger. Avoid eating vegetables at night.
Be careful while consuming these vegetables and take care of your health. To get relief from gas and bloating, it is necessary to adopt right eating habits.