Sabina Farooq, a seasoned actress in the Pakistani drama industry gained widespread fame for her stellar performances in hit drama series like Kabli Pulao and Suno Chanda 2. Her beautiful face and flawless acting have earned her immense praise from fans who eagerly await her appearances in more dramas.
However, Sabina has recently been absent from the screen and her fans who know that she prefers specific types of roles were curious about her absence. Sabina recently shared an interesting reason for her limited work in dramas, winning the hearts of her fans.
In a post on her Instagram story, she revealed that she enjoys performing her prayers regularly. On the days she works on dramas, she often recalls the times when she could stay at home and live a balanced, peaceful life. She mentioned that maintaining this balance is difficult for her during the busy shooting schedules of dramas. The makeup and hairstyling prevent her from performing ablution (wudu) and she feels a sense of guilt and sadness for not fulfilling her religious duties.
Sabina added that her priority is to maintain balance in her life and she always tries to return to work once she feels in harmony with her routine.
Notably, Sabina Farooq earned recognition for her role as Haya in the popular drama Tere Bin and as Barbina in Kabli Pulao, becoming a beloved figure in the hearts of millions. Other notable dramas she has appeared in include Tere Bin, Kashf, Mehloot, Tere Mere Sapne and Man Jogi.
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