A surprising case has come to light from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. Here a head constable of UP Police has been accused of presenting other notes in the court in place of the notes taken as bribe. When asked the reason, they blamed rats for gnawing the currency notes. When the officials came to know about this entire matter, they got the entire matter investigated and after that a case was registered against the head constable.
The matter is of Nawabganj police station area of Bareilly district. A case has been registered against the head constable Udayveer Singh posted here. Head Constable Udayveer is accused that on February 12, 2021, the Anti-Corruption Organization of Uttar Pradesh Police had arrested an accountant posted in Nawabganj tehsil red-handed while taking a bribe of ₹ 10,000. Apart from 20 ₹ 500 notes received as bribe, the team also seized Rs 8361 and a mobile phone, Aadhar card and PAN card from the accused.
The bribe amount and items were handed over to Head Constable Udayveer Singh. However, the cash and other items were later returned on court orders. Whereas, the bribe notes were deposited in Nawabganj police station. During the trial, the head constable did not present the original bribe notes in the court and when asked the reason for this, the head constable deposited 20 notes of ₹ 500, accusing rats of gnawing the original notes. But later all his tricks came to light in the police investigation.
Why did the head constable do this?
Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Mukesh Chandra Mishra said - When Superintendent of Police (City) Manush Parikh investigated the case, he found that Singh deliberately committed this criminal act to benefit the accused. Police said that based on the report submitted against Udayveer Singh, an FIR was registered against the head constable on Saturday. There has been a stir in the department since the matter came to light.