Prashant Kishor, the political strategist and founder of the Jan Suraj Party, was freed on bail after being detained this morning in Patna’s Gandhi Maidan. Since January 2, Kishor has been participating in a demonstration in support of the students who are calling for the cancelation of the December 13 Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) exam. The civil court approved the bail.
For more than eight hours, the creator of JSP was detained by the police. To keep his followers from agitating him, he was transported to several places in Patna. For his medical checkup, Kishor was also brought to Patna AIIMS and a number of other medical institutes. He made it clear that he would not stop his fast unless the BPSC candidates’ requests were satisfied.
Prashant Kishor asked his followers to keep the peace after being arrested. In an earlier interview with ANI, he said, “We have not decided whether or not to continue the commotion. Nothing is going to change; we will keep doing what we are doing. On January 7, the Jan Suraj Party will submit a petition to the High Court.
Prashant Kishor said of his health during the hunger strike, “I won’t become sick so quickly. I have a little sore throat, but other than that, I’m good. I should relax, according to the doctors, but nothing major.”
Since the matter has now reached the Supreme Court, the controversy surrounding this test is becoming more intense. In addition to demanding responsibility for the police violence against students who were demonstrating, the petition requests for the cancelation of the BPSC preliminary exam. In particular, it calls for punishment against the DM and SP, who are culpable for using force during the demonstrations.