In Gautam Nagar police station area of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, thieves ran away with 35 pigeons in cages from the roof of a two-storey house. After the theft incident, the pigeon farmer also went to the bird markets at different places in the city and searched for the pigeons, but could not find any trace of them. Now the pigeon farmer has lodged a complaint of theft in the local police station.
Junaid Mohammad Qureshi, 22, living in Srinagar Colony, Berasia Road, is a first year B.Com student. He is fond of keeping pigeons since childhood. He has made arrangements to keep pigeons separately on the roof of his house. Seeing the severe cold, Junaid went to the terrace at 2.30 in the night to see the pigeons, after giving water to Dana, he came into the house and slept. During this time he also made a video. When Junaid reached the terrace at 7:00 in the morning, he saw that 35 pigeons were missing. Besides, a cage kept there was also missing. Among the stolen pigeons, 33 were white and two were black.
Junaid told the police that after the incident, he searched for pigeons in the bird markets of Jahangirabad and other places including the bird market at Bhopal Talkies, but did not find them. His pigeons also take part in flying competitions held in the area. On June 4, 2023, in a competition, his pigeon flew continuously for 11 hours and 50 minutes and came first and won the prize.
At present, Gautam Nagar police has registered the case and started investigation. On the basis of CCTV footage of the area, efforts are being made to trace the thief. At the same time, Junaid is disappointed with this incident. His pigeons were very close to his heart. Don't know why and who stole them. He had no enmity with anyone.