As someone who has no children, I have heard it all when it comes to the pros and cons of becoming a parent. In the end, I have always seen children as a blessing rather than a burden.
However, naivety is not my forte, and there is no denying that there are times when being a parent is challenging. The fact is, having children will change your life, and if you are not prepared for the responsibilities and financial burdens of becoming a parent, you aren’t ready.
Dominiece Norwood took to TikTok to discuss the three things that she needed to make motherhood less of a challenge. From her experience, you need at least one of these three things in order to make having kids worth it.
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Ajay Donga | Pexels
This is the most important one out of the three, as relying on a partner can override the need to lean on others for support. According to Psychology Todayyou need five essential qualities in a partner for a healthy relationship: kindness, shared values, reliability, emotional stability, and the ability to make the relationship work.
When it comes to marriage or even children, a good partnership requires that the two of you work as a team, even on the toughest days. The best way to give children stability is if parents are stable themselves in every aspect of life. This doesn’t mean you have to be perfect, as no one is, but children need to be able to trust that the adults they are around won’t put them in dangerous situations. – Yuri A | Shutterstock
The truth is that we live in a world where children are expensive. Unfortunately, government services to help parents are severely lacking. The solution, however, is not to say that loving people living in financial instability should not have children. Unfortunately, that is the very reason so many young people today — 23% to be exact, according to a survey by MassMutual — are choosing not to have children.
Instead, the solution should be a push for reform. Affordable childcare, effective school lunch programs, and more effective job placement services for unemployed parents are just a few examples.
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cottonbro studio | Pexels
You know the saying, “It takes a village to raise children?” Well, the village has changed significantly in recent years. The villagers are often tired and overworked, and that means less help all around.
That doesn’t mean that help isn’t available, however. It’s just in less likely places. While grandparents are often the first to help out their adult children, a recent survey by Talker found that 33% of parents said they are more likely to ask their friends for help with child-rearing than they are to rely on other family members.
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Sylvia Ojeda is an author with a decade of experience writing novels and screenplays. She covers self-help, relationships, culture, and human interest topics.