Naz Rizvi, the city's renowned and nationally renowned astrologer and Vastu expert, told about the year 2025 for the people of 5th radix number and said that the people born on 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month are of 5th radix number. Are called. They say that the number 5 is the number representing the planet Mercury.
Every year, Mercury is in its full influence between 21st May to 23rd June and 21st August to 23rd September. This year too, this time is going to be very beneficial for the people of radix number 5. There are chances of huge profits in business this year for the people of radix number 5, whose planet Mercury is strong in their horoscope or whose Mahadasha of Mercury is going on. Famous astrologer and Vastu expert Naz Rizvi tells the people of 5 number that green color is very suitable for them, for example, green car, green clothes. Green sheets, green walls of the room, green color of gardening and farming.
People with radix number 5 have a very sociable nature, but because they always think intellectually, they are prone to problems with the nervous system. Apart from this, they may also have problems with the nervous system and dehydration. To avoid this, they should eat food on time. It is advisable to maintain a regular routine while getting sleep on time. It is also a very good thing about the people of the number 5 that they do not mourn anything much and while winning everyone's heart with their sweet tongue, they forget the old sad things very quickly. The days of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are going to bring good messages in the new year for the people with the number 5. Children taking education are seen making great progress this year.