Bhuj: An 18-year-old girl fell into a 540-foot-deep borewell in Kanderai village, located in Bhuj taluka of Gujarat's Kutch district on Monday morning. The girl is currently trapped at a depth of 490 feet, according to Bhuj Deputy Collector AB Jadav. Rescue operations are in full swing.
The incident occurred around 6:30 am. The girl belongs to the family of migrant labourers from Rajasthan.
Initially, the unusual report of an 18-year-old falling into a borewell raised doubts among officials. However, a camera inspection confirmed her presence inside the borewell.
"The girl appears to be unconscious, and oxygen is being supplied to her by local rescue teams making efforts to bring her out," said an official.
The rescue mission has been bolstered with teams from the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and the Border Security Force (BSF), who have joined local authorities to aid in the operation.
This incident comes less than a week after a similar tragedy in Rajasthan, where a three-year-old girl named Chetna died despite being rescued after falling into a borewell. Chetna fell into the borewell on December 23 on her father's farm in Sarund and remained trapped for 10 days. Despite a relentless rescue effort involving five failed attempts, she succumbed shortly after being brought to a hospital.
(With PTI Inputs)