UP Board Exam: The 10th and 12th board exams of Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) will start on February 24. Given this, the Education Council has started a helpdesk for the students from Monday. The board has issued a toll-free number and told that the candidates can get solutions to their subject and psychological problems from 11 am to 4 pm. Many students get psychologically disturbed under the pressure of examinations. They have to face problems like insomnia, worry of failing, and stress.
In the past years, the UP Board used to start the help desk on the day of the examination. Board Secretary Bhagwati Singh said that this time instructions have been given to start the help desk one and a half months in advance. So that the students preparing for the board examination can be helped well.
Two counselors will help.
Board Deputy Secretary Anand Tripathi said that along with subject experts, two counselors of the psychology department will also be present at the board headquarters. They will solve any problem of the students immediately. If no expert is present, the student will be called later and his problem will be solved. This help desk will remain till the end of the examination on March 12. The board secretary has also given instructions to set up help desks at the regional office and divisional headquarters level.
Solutions will be available on these phone numbers and email IDs.
The board exam helpline numbers 18001805310 and 18001805312 will have to be contacted. Apart from this, email ID upmspprayagraj@gmail.com, X handle @upboardpry, Facebook page madhyamik shiksha parishad uttar Pradesh, YouTube channel madhyamik shiksha parishad, up, Prayagraj (youtube.com/@upboardpryj) and Instagram ID @upboardpryj
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