The pre-release event of Game Changer was held on January 4th in Rajamahendravaram. Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan attended as the chief guest. Aarava Manikanta (23) and Thokada Charan (22), hailing from Kakinada district's Gaigolupadu were among the fans who attended the event. While they were heading back home on a bike together, they met with an accident near Vadisaleru when a van hit their bike. Unfortunately, both of them lost their lives in the accident.
Ram Charan Saddened By The IncidentRam Charan was saddened by the unfortunate incident and expressed his condolences. As soon as he learnt about the incident, he sent his team to the grieving families to show solidarity and give them moral support. He also announced financial aid of Rs. 5 lakhs each to both families as a gesture of support. Ram Charan said, "We always pray that our fans who attend the event go back home safely. Our Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan garu also wished the same. This is a very unfortunate incident. I can understand the pain of the grieving families. I am going through the same pain. My heartfelt condolences to them." Pawan Kalyan And Dil Raju RespondAndhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan and producer Dil Raju too announced relief to the families of the deceased. Expressing their condolences, the actor-politician and producer announced Rs 5 lakh each for the deceased families. Pawan also stated that he shall also instruct the officials to extend the financial aid.