Salman Khan lives in Galaxy Apartment located in Bandra West area of Mumbai. On the morning of April 14, 2024, bullets were fired at Salman Khan's house from outside. Earlier, his father had received a threatening letter during his morning walk. After continuous death threats to Salman Khan, many changes have been made in his security system. Recently, bulletproof glass has been installed in the windows of his house, along with CCTV cameras and high tech security, the area around Salman Khan's house and outside the building has been secured. Now let's take a look at the 7 things included in Salman's security, due to which the enemy will not be able to spoil even Bhaijaan's hair.
Bulletproof glass on balcony and window
Bulletproof glass has now been installed in the balcony of the Galaxy Building from where Salman used to meet crores of his fans. For Salman's safety, bulletproof glass has been fitted on the balcony as well as the windows of his house.
#WATCH Mumbai, Maharashtra | Bulletproof glass installed in the balcony of actor Salman Khan's residence – Galaxy Apartment
— ANI (@ANI) January 7, 2025
Salman Khan's 'Galaxy Apartment' is about 45 years old and due to this no hi-tech modern security feature was installed in this building. According to information received from sources, security cameras were already installed on the floor where Salman and his parents live and from where the entrance of his house was, but now all those cameras have been upgraded with high resolution cameras. Security cameras have been installed on Salman's balcony and at many places outside the building. Because of these cameras, the activities happening around this building can be easily monitored.
To protect these changes made in the security of Salman Khan's house from security hacking, high security traces have also been installed in this system.
Chowki built in front of Salman Khan's house
After receiving threat from Lawrence Bishnoi gang in October 2024 salman khan A temporary police post has been set up in front of the house.
In the year 2022, after receiving death threats from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, Salman Khan had applied for a gun license and keeping his safety in mind, the gun license was issued to him by the Mumbai Police. .
Salman Bhai snapped at airport
with huge security #salmankhan— Buzzzooka Scrolls (@Buzzz_scrolls) November 2, 2024
Many vehicles live with bulletproof cars
after shots fired at home salman khan Has imported Nissan's bulletproof SUV from Dubai. Talking about the protection present in this Nissan SUV, it has been given B6 level protection. That means the glass installed in this vehicle is of approximately 78 mm. Due to this thick glass, it becomes easier for the vehicle to withstand many types of bullets coming out of the gun. The price of this vehicle is approximately Rs 2 crore, apart from this, separate money has to be spent to import this vehicle. Whenever Salman Khan goes out, apart from his bulletproof car, a Range Rover, a police car and two commando bikes are also with him.
Salman Khan has been given Y Plus security by Maharashtra Government and Mumbai Police and apart from the security, his private security along with Shera is also present around him.