Lifestyle News Desk,Nowadays, there are so many different varieties of outfits available in the market that many times we get confused about what to wear and what not. It becomes very difficult to choose clothes for yourself. But if you select these clothes according to your body shape (Bodyshape Fashion Tips), then it will suit your look and will also make you stylish, smart and different. Therefore, whenever you go to a store to buy clothes, buy according to your body shape. Now the question is which outfit to choose for which body shape, it is very easy. Come, let us know what to wear for which body shape.
1. Many times you buy some outfits from the market, which stick to your body and start looking ugly. Therefore, while buying clothes, keep in mind the body shape and fabric of the clothes. You should wear fabrics like georgette, because they do not stick to the body and also give a perfect look.
2. If the area of your hips is large and you do not like any clothes, then you should wear such a shirt or jacket which comes a little below your hips. Use slightly tight clothes in light colors for the upper part of the body. You can also wear dark colored trousers and pants in the lower half. Such clothes will suit you.
3. People whose shoulder shape is round (Round Body Shape) and stomach part is also round shape, then such people should wear formal jackets. Due to having shoulder pads, such jackets give a good shape to your shoulders and enhance your personality. This also gives you an attractive look.
4. If someone has a triangle body shape, then such people come in the category of athletic body. Their shoulders are broad and waist is small. Such people can wear light shirts and jackets. Classic fit straight jeans will give an attractive look compared to skin fit ones. With this you will also appear fit and your look will be stylish.
5. People with rectangle body shape should wear vertical stripes shirt and dark colored denims. Overshirt and cardigan can also give you an attractive look. You choose a shirt with stripes. Do not use single-breasted blazers with large geometric prints and double-breasted blazers.