Stone disease causes the formation of small hard substances in the body, which get deposited in the kidneys, gall bladder or urinary tract. If these stones are not treated in time, they can cause serious problems. People suffering from stones often do not know that some food items can be harmful for them and can increase the stones. If you are a stone patient, it is very important to avoid certain foods.
In this article we will know about those things which stone patients should not eat even by mistake. This information will help you maintain your health and get rid of the problem of stones.
1. Sodium and Salt
Stone patients should avoid excess salt. Eating excess salt can increase calcium levels in the body, which can cause stones. One should especially stay away from sodium rich foods like chips, junk food, and processed foods.
Why avoid?
2. Oxalate rich things
Foods rich in oxalate can be harmful for stone patients. High levels of oxalate can combine with calcium to form calcium oxalate stones. Some common foods that are high in oxalate are:
Why avoid?
3. Protein
Excessive amounts of protein can also be harmful for kidney stones, especially if it comes from animal proteins. Eating a non-vegetarian diet and eating too many eggs can increase the level of uric acid in the body, which can lead to the formation of uric acid stones.
Why avoid?
4. Alcohol & Caffeine
Consumption of alcohol and caffeine can be very harmful for stone patients. These substances can cause dehydration in the body, which can increase the risk of kidney stones. Additionally, alcohol and caffeine can decrease hydration levels in the body, increasing the risk of stone formation.
Why avoid?
5. Sugar & Sweets
Consuming too much sugar or sweets can be harmful for stone patients. Excessive amounts of sugar can cause excess calcium in the body, which can lead to stones.
Why avoid?
6. Dairy Products
Many stone patients should avoid dairy products, especially if they have calcium oxalate stones. Although some dairy products, such as yogurt and milk, can be good calcium sources, consuming them in excess can cause calcium deposits in the kidneys.
Why avoid?
Stone patients should be careful about their diet and avoid foods that can cause stone formation. Consuming these food items can make the problem of stones even more serious. If you are a stone patient, consume fresh fruits, vegetables, water, and foods that help digestion. With the right diet, lifestyle, and doctor's advice, you can avoid stones and get relief from its problem.