During the Mahakumbh being organized in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, lakhs of devotees will also reach Ayodhya for the darshan of Lord Shri Ram. On the instructions of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the Ayodhya administration has made proper arrangements for the convenience of the devotees coming here. Under this arrangement, arrangements have been made to accommodate more than 10 thousand devotees in Ayodhya. Along with this, permanent and temporary toilets with 1100 seats have been built. Two thousand sanitation workers have been deployed for 24-hour cleanliness in Ramnagari.
According to officials, arrangements for drinking water, toilets and lighting have been made at various places for the convenience of the devotees. The responsibility of taking special care of cleanliness at all these places has been given to the Municipal Corporation. All these arrangements will start from January 12 and continue till February 28. According to officials, a master plan has been prepared keeping in mind the convenience of the devotees for the provincial fair also. A request has been made to the concerned Mahant and management for the stay of the devotees in the major monasteries and temples of Ayodhya.
Apart from this, 3000 at the shelter located near Ayodhya bus stand, 600 at night shelters, 3000 at Ayodhya Dham railway station, 700 at Nishad Raj Guhya shelter home, 500 at the shelter home near Ram Katha Park, at Ramghat halt under Satrangi bridge. 600, at Kalyan Mandap on Rae Bareli Road. 300, at MLCP parking lot in front of Amaniganj Jalkal. Arrangements have been made to accommodate 350 people, 350 at the MLCP parking lot behind the Collectorate, 300 at the Zonal Office Asifbagh and 300 at Saket Sadan.
According to officials, 2277 workers and 66 supervisors have been deployed for 24-hour cleaning. Apart from this, 5 mechanical road sweeping machines, 4 liter pickers, pressure washers and scrubber pressure washers etc. have been installed for better cleanliness of the ghats. In this sequence, three major shoe stands have been made for the devotees. In this, arrangements have been made for 10,000 bags near Raj Sadan, 5,000 bags near Saryu Aarti site and 10,000 bags in front of Birla Dharamshala. Keeping in view the weather, there is also a provision of 50 gas heaters and bonfires at various places to protect the devotees from the cold wave.