Famous Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela is soon going to be seen by her fans on the big screen. His and Nandamuri Balakrishna's upcoming film 'Daku Maharaj' is ready to release in theaters on January 12. The songs of this big budget film of Rs 430 crore have created a stir so far. People are liking the songs of the film very much. It is no surprise that Urvashi Rautela has a huge fan following, and her fans are eager to see the great chemistry of Urvashi and Nandamuri Balakrishna on screen. Now the time has come for their wait to end.
Urvashi has more than 100 million followers!
Urvashi Rautela is not only a great actress, but she is also one of India's highest-paid actresses, and she is a global artist who has more than 100 million followers on social media. Not only this, she is one of the most followed Indian celebrities globally, and because of her popularity, she has got a special place in the Forbes Rich List, where Urvashi is the youngest Indian. Along with this, Urvashi Rautela is known to be one of the most admired and popular people in the world.
'…then my wife will divorce me'
Naga Vamsi, producer of the film 'Daku Maharaj', chose a humorous way to talk about Urvashi and her personality. When asked for his opinion on behalf of Nandamuri Balakrishna, he said, “If I say anything about Urvashi Rautela, my wife will divorce me.” This thing must have been successful in tickling everyone, and it also shows that Urvashi Rautela gets love from all her colleagues along with her fans.
Urvashi Rautela's upcoming movies
Urvashi Rautela's upcoming films are 'NBK 109' (aka 'Daku Maharaj') with Nandamuri Balakrishna and Bobby Deol, and 'Indian 2' with Kamal Haasan and Shankar. Apart from this, 'Kasoor' is also coming with Aftab Shivdasani and Jassi Gill. Besides, Urvashi is also working on many other big projects.
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